What does this mean?

Touching + pleasing every one of the clients 5 senses is imperative to giving them a 5 star, luxury experience.

3.1 Satisfying the Sensory Systems

1. What does your client SEE when they walk in? Is it clean? 
How does the bathroom, floor, windows and mirror look? 
Does everything in your studio have a place?
Is there a special place for their belongings for safe keeping?

2. What does your studio SMELL like when they first walk in?
Do you have a signature scent so when they smell something similar when they’re out somewhere else, they automatically think of your studio?

3. What does the lash bed FEEL like when they have to lay there for the next hour or two?
Do they feel so relaxed that they go to sleep?
Or do they twitch, anticipating when you’re gonna get done because their back hurts or they’re not the type to lay still that long?

4. What do they HEAR when they’re in your studio?
Is it a spa environment, are they catching up on the latest hits or are they being transported back to a moment in time? 

5. What TASTES are tickling their palate? Whether that be a little nibble or sip.
Are snacks and beverages available at their disposal?

When you implement all of these points with perfect lash extensions, I PROMISE YOU, you will always have a booked out schedule! This 5 star luxury experience will keep them coming back again and again! And they will tell all of their friends!

Be Easy to find and book with:

Put yourself in the shoes of a person in your home town, wondering where to go to get their lashes done.

Who are they going to book with? 
The person they find first.
The person they had a friend see and tell them about. 

If you don't put yourself out there, the people will book with someone else who is easier to find.

Even if you are a beginner at your craft, putting yourself in front of every breathing human being in your radius- will make you more likely to be booked, than an experienced master with poor advertising. 

 Even when I first started my business, I had online booking and a seamless booking and rebooking process. 

I would respond timely and politely and I  would make sure everyone had a convenient booking experience. 

My phone number would be available on my social media so I could be a text away if a client had questions about a service or having issues booking an appointment.

It's basic. But people let is slip under the rug and wonder why people aren't rebooking. 

The first time a potential client reaches out, answer every question they may have to the fullest extent, never making them feel dumb for asking it.

Be approachable and kind. Treat them like friends and get to know them. People like seeing their friends. Make them love seeing you. 

 I personally do not require a booking fee for every appointment after their initial full set. This builds a relationship of trust between artist and client going forward. 

It can be off putting to have to pay a booking fee for every fill you book, and
it would deter clients from booking way into the future. 

Have the booking fee for the first appointment, get them addicted to lashes,
rebook them at the end of their appointments.

( I would suggest keeping their card on file for any emergency no shows) 

Be excited to see them every time. Ask about their lives, take notes if you are forgetful and be a genuine constant source of light in their lives.

 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and
give glory to your Father who is in heaven” 

- Matthew 5:16

3.2 Booking Experience + Customer Service

This one is the most cringe, but ESSENTIAL if you’re gonna survive + thrive in this service based industry.

Creating client policies and posting them where they can’t miss it is so important. This protects you and it educates the clients on what you expect.

Do you have solid policies?

I will share with you exactly what my policies says. Feel free to use the scripts and adjust the wording accordingly. Because of this, I don’t have to deal with lost income due to no-shows, last minute cancellations, bank/credit card disputes or refunds. I remember my first year starting out on my own, I lost over $13,000 on income because of all the mentioned above. I got burned, but I learned. QUICKLY!

3.3 Boundary Setting

New clients are required to put down a NON-REFUNDABLE booking fee of $50 to hold reservation. This booking fee is NON-REFUNDABLE but is transferable up to one time.

booking policy

At Iconic Lash, we are entirely committed and focused on making sure each of our guests receives the ultimate luxury experience. If you have concerns with a service you received, please contact us within 48 hours.
No refunds are offered on eyelash extension services. If you have an allergic reaction to a service
we provided, a removal will be offered free of charge.

Retail products + Gift certificate purchases are also non-refundable. 

refund policy

Cancellations + Rescheduling are ONLY accepted 48 hours before the appointment. Late cancellations & no-shows will be charged the FULL amount of the missed service

cancellation policy

In addition to having these posted on the website, these policies are also attached on their confirmation/appointment reminder emails. My studio concierge will always call each client 72 hours before their scheduled appointment so there is no excuse that they forgot about their appointment.

•Monday (confirm Thursday appts)

•Tuesday (confirm Friday appts)

•Wednesday (confirm Saturday, Sunday + Monday appts)

•Thursday (confirm Tuesday appts)

•Friday (confirm Wednesday appts)

Appointment Confirmations

Hi, this is (Your Name) from (the name of your studio) confirming your upcoming lash appointment for (Day)(Date) at (Time) with your Lash Artist (Name). If you need to cancel or reschedule this appointment, please give us a call back within 24 hrs of THIS phone call to avoid a late cancellation charge. As per policy, canceling or rescheduling an appointment MUST be done 48 hrs before the day of appointment or you will be charged the full service amount. Also, please make sure to come in to your appointment with no mascara. Coming in with mascara will revoke the 48 hour touch up policy if there are any issues. We cannot guarantee any longevity with your extensions if there is any mascara residue. Our number is (insert your phone number) We look forward to seeing you!

If the voicemail box is full, send them a text message to confirm instead. 

Add your studio location address as well, so clients know exactly where to go and can copy/paste address in their GPS

phone script