Millionaire Routines

table of contents

Start of Day Routine

END OF DAY Routine

start of day routine

DO NOT HIT SNOOZE. Hitting snooze is the same things telling yourself that you’d rather have 5 more minutes of MEDIOCRE sleep, than go fulfill your purpose in this world and change lives of others

Wake up + consume 8 oz of water within 60 seconds of turning off alarm
(poured the night before)

Cold shower (shocks your body) OR 5 minutes of cardio/exercise
Set the tone for your day (15-20 minutes)

Have this all dedicated on one journal

Bible Study (5-10 minutes of reading) NOT necessary if not a person of faith.

3x3 Method (3 things I’m thankful for, 3 people I pray for, 3 things I ask that God leads me on today

Grateful : Thankful for good sleep, Thankful for my family, Thankful for the priviledge to build a business today

3 Others : Pray for my fellow business professionals, pray for my clients, pray for my community

Self: Wisdom in building my business, Leadership for my business, Personal Obedience to guard my heart against temptation (procrastination, apathy, laziness, food binge, etc.)

Write out the exact person YOU want to become 1 year from now 

Ex : “By January 2024, I see my business generating $100,000-$500,00 in lash services every year. This number is simply a representation of the scale of impact I’m having on my clients lives”


I recommend creating your content for the first 30-45 minutes of the day, so its ready to be posted later in the day.

For the first 2 hours of the day that you wake up, do NOT check your phone for
non-work activities

end of day routine

At the end of your day - plan out the next 24 hours of execution on paper or your google calendar. Write out all your tasks for tomorrow in 30 minute intervals  

3-2-1 Sign off rule

Write down 3 things that you’re grateful happened today

Write down 2 things that you’re proud of finishing today

Write down 1 thing you’re going to do to make tomorrow even better


Pour out a glass of water, set it by your nightstand